The association of organic & value chain agripreneurs is envisaged to be based on membership of organic agripreneurs ( whether certified or not), Farmer groups, cooperatives, FPOs, NGOs in agriculture, and all value chain providers who may sell to organic (or non organic) in the entire food chain.
Vision : Making India a Global leader in Organic foods and Healthful living
- Enhancing capability current agripreneurs by capacity building, mentorship etc
- Input training of farmers / conversion to organic
- Supporting buyback, crop planning for effective farmgate management, financing of agriventures
- Innovative business models, farm to home models, models with social impact
- Promoting consumer awareness programs to create on ground consistent demand for organic / diverse / nutrient rich foods.
- Policy interventions and support Govt schemes implementation
- Providing information from time to time to all stakeholders for better decisions
- Creating B2B and B2C opportunities
- Providing Networking and collaborative spaces
- Support traditional varieties and diversity for the farming sector, environment, and healthy alternatives.
- Equip women in the food and agriculture sector- rural and urban
- Value chain providers will be given a pivotal role in supporting the ecosystem
Objectives of the Association :
- To support the growth of organic in India and through India, globally
- To build an ecosystem for small and medium agripreneurs through multiple initiatives
- To revive traditional foods and biosystems to benefit all stakeholders
- To influence policy and schemes which create higher impact on the ground wrt organic
- To make women a critical voice and participant in the food agribusiness segment
Focussed areas for organic agribusiness development
- Agritech – application Incubation support PanchgavyaHerbs and ayurveda Desi Seeds propagation
- Traditional foods Food processing capability
- Capacity Building for agribusiness – online, offline
- Annual schedule : formats Webinars in agribusiness
- Live workshops Mentor interface Building new business models
- Events, tie ups
- Consumer Awareness programs
- Membership Outreach
- Govt schemes promotion, financing
- Research and analytics
- Fund raising, revenue streams
- Policy Roundtables, Reports
- Women Agripreneurs program