Understanding Anemia & How to Deal With Anemia

Rajesh Venkata Naidu is a Nature Healer and a Panchgavya Expert. Here's his article on Anemia.

Anemia is the medical term for the condition of decreased haemoglobin percentage. It means, the reduced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. People usually understand this condition as ‘reduced blood’.

Normal Hb% : Male is 13.5 – 18 g/dL.
Female it is 12 – 16 g/dL
Children 11 -16 g/dL

If the percentage reduces from this level, the condition is referred as anemia. In Ayurveda system of medicine, it is correlated with a disease named Pandu. Word meaning of Pandu is pallor. As the body color changes to pale yellow or pallor (husky white), this condition is referred to as Pandu.

Reasons for the manifestation of Anemia:

  1. Heavy exercise (vyayama)- Excess of work, mental strain, loss of sleep etc lead into mal-digestion and mal-absorption and hence the required nutrients are not absorbed properly.
  2. Sour and salty food (Amla-lavana ahara) – Intake of large amount of salty and sour substances lead into reduced circulation and cause tissue toxicity and hence the damage to the body parts (organs).
  3. Alcohol intake (Madyapana) – Liver and spleen are the master organs in relation to the hemopoeitic system. As the alcohol is the main cause for hepatic toxicity considerable burden is caused to the relative organs and hence direct effect is produced on the blood and its circulation.
  4. Day sleep/sedentary life (diwaswapna/aalasya) – Proper body exercise is essential for the proper metabolism of the food. Sedentary life, reduced exercise, day sleep etc lead into the improper digestion and metabolism; hence they become the reason for the nutritional deficiency.
  5. Food which are spicy and penetrating/causing burning sensation (teekshna-vidahi ahara) – Regular intake of food and beverages which are spicy, penetrative, burning in nature etc cause damage to the tissues and organs. Ultimately they act as the free radicals and hinder the free flow/movement of the essential nutrients.
  6. Intake of mud (mridbhakshana) – Even though it is uncommon now-a days to find the mud intake(directly),still in undeveloped parts of the country and in the area where people are not aware of bare foot walking, defecation in the public (outskirts) etc, the infected soil is going inside the body and hence it causes infection or damage to the internal organs. As today the Industries are developing in the fast rush, the wastes flushed by these Industries are not managed properly. Those chemicals are mixed-up with the soil and water and the same effect of ‘mud consumption’ may be resulted.

In olden days, as this was very common, they have highlighted it as a separate reason for anemia (as mridbhakshana janya pandu).

Origin of the disease:

Due to the above said causative factors the digestive fire is hampered directly or indirectly and hence the proper nutrients are not absorbed in required amount.This leads to poor nourishment of Rasa dhatu and thus the Rakta dhatu(which is nourished by Rasa dhatu) is getting declined by its quality and quantity.Thus the disease Pandu (anaemia) is resulted.

Types of the disease:

According to the doshic vitiation, Pandu roga is mentioned as 5 types.

Features of each type of Anemia:
a) Vatic anemia-Dryness of the skin and eyes, reduced urine output, black discoloration,tremours,pricking sensation,burning and giddiness.
b) Paittic anemia- Yellow discoloration of the skin,urine and eyes,burning,thirst,fever,diarrhoea and dark yellow discoloration of the body parts.
c) Kaphaja anemia- White discoloration of skin, urine and eyes, nausea, oedema, drowsiness,laziness and heaviness of the body parts.
d) Tridoshic anemia- Mixed features of all the above said three kinds of anemia.
e) Anemia due to mud intake (originated by soil contamination)-Dryness of the body, fatigue, indigestion, debility of the sense organs, loss of libido and luster of the body, swelling beneath the eyes, chin, foot, umbilical area and genitalia, diarrhea and stool with blood are found.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

  • For a period of two months, soak a handful of raisins in water overnight, eat these in the Morning. Daily intake of soaked raisins, along with the water ( soaked for one night ) for two months has been shown to cure anemia.
  • Apples are very good for anemia as they have high iron content. They should be eaten regularly; preferably after meals.
  • Load up on pomegranates a few times a week. This fruit is rich in iron and also provides calcium and magnesium. Beyond which, it contains vitamin C which can aid in the absorption of dietary iron.
  • Eat your green leafy vegetables. Think spinach, kale, fenugreek, beyond salads, think about adding these rich green leafy veggies to soups and smoothies
  • Incorporate onions in your diet, as they are rich in iron content and can easily be assimilated in the blood.
  • Incorporate a few dates in your diet. Dates are a good source of antioxidants, fiber and are also rich in vitamins B Complex and C, as well as being a fantastic source of iron.
  • Avoid tea and coffee as they are known to hamper the absorption of iron.
  • Eat three to four figs daily.
  • Crunch on some celery, as it has high iron and magnesium content. When combined with carrot juice, it proves to be very effective in treating anemia.
  • Eating a cup of plain yogurt with one teaspoon of turmeric before lunch and dinner can greatly benefit iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Filling a copper cup with room temperature tap water, letting it stand overnight and drinking it in the morning will help increase intake of vital minerals.
  • Problems like bleeding piles and excessive menstruation should be attended immediately as they often lead to anemia.

Home Remedies

  • Take half cup of apple juice and half cup of beet root juice. Mix apple juice with beetroot juice. Add honey to this and stir well to mix. Have this juice twice a day.
  • Take one teaspoon of black sesame seeds, milk (1 cup), Honey or jaggery (-1-2 tsp) and warm water to soak sesame seeds. Soak sesame seeds in warm water for 2 hours. Grind it to get a paste. Strain and mix it with a cup of milk. Add honey or jaggery and mix well. Have this sesame flavored milk daily.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric juice mixed with honey daily.
  • Massage (Abyhanga): Flushing out toxins in the body through the use of lymphatic massage aids in circulation.
  • Right nostril breathing (Suyra Bhedan/pranayama) :This pranayama aids the liver, builds blood and brings oxygen to the body and mind.
  • Exercise: Although the patient will be experiencing fatigue, light and regular exercise such as walking and yoga will encourage the flow of prana in the body.

Herbs for Anemia

The high content of vitamin C in triphala will help in the absorption of iron, as well as aid in the detoxification process.

Shatavari ghee or bitter ghee may also be beneficial, depending on if the anemia is being expressed as pitta-type or vata-type, respectively.

Taking back control of the body and mind through practicing these methods should bring relief in time. Fatigue will dissipate, moods will elevate, and a clearer mind and stronger body will be the outcome.

Rajesh Venkata Naidu

? Jai Gaumata ?

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