One hundred and fifty years ago, cancer was nearly non-existent, but with the increased consumption of processed foods, low quality meat and dairy, and refined sugars, many new diseases have surfaced. Disease and sickness have become an epidemic. Mainstream medicine is just now beginning to point fingers to diet and lifestyle as precipitating factors that could lead to cancer.
Rise of processed foods, low quality meat and dairy and refined sugars have caused many new diseases to surface For many people, conventional treatment is chosen to cure cancer but for 88 percent of all cancer patients it is normal for them to seek alternative therapy.
Some herbal remedies are showing great results when research is applied. Even the potent anticancer drug taxol comes from the bark of the yew tree. Many people are hesitant to take herbs due to the fact that they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. For people who are interested in using herbs, seek out the care of a specialist who can help guide you and assure that any herbs you are taking are being dosed properly and will not have a negative interaction with any medications that you may currently be taking. For many taking herbs may seem like an attractive option but many wonder what herbs are best.
The wormwood plant is native to temperate regions of Eurasia and North Africa and has also been planted and grown in Canada and northern United States. It’s often grown as an ornamental plant but most people are familiar with the plant due to being used as the main ingredient of absinthe.
Wormwood paired with iron killed 98 percent of breast cancer cells
In terms of cancer, wormwood has made headlines due to its profound ability to fight already developed cancer and allow the body to heal itself. One study found that artemisinin derived from the wormwood plant paired with iron killed 98 percent of breast cancer cells in 16 hours!
The herb on its own reduced breast cancer cells by 28 percent but when partnered with iron, it nearly eliminated the cancer without impacting healthy cells.
Iron is an important part of the equation due to cancerous cells having transferrin receptors that help them in cell division. Iron accumulates in cancerous cells due to these receptors, by adding iron with the wormwood, it assures that the wormwood is absorbed by the cancerous cells.
In mainstream cancer treatment, often the treatment attacks the healthy cells causing the body to have to work harder to regenerate healthy cells. If you desire to prevent cancer, remember that an acidic body that results from poor dietary and lifestyle choices is the best environment for cancer to grow in. Consuming a plant-based diet, living food, and eliminating process food will help alkalize the body and provide the body the nutrients that it needs to heal.